A few notes


Hours of Physical Education

In 1990, the Belgian government approved a law for 1 hour a day of physical education in schools. Since then, the practice of Physical Education in their schools varies from a minimum of 2 to 5 weekly sessions.
Several educational centers in Spain have been able to configure their curriculum with 3, 4 and even 5 sessions of Physical Education per week. There are schools that, in addition to the 2 hours per week of Physical Education (in general, divided into 2 sessions), develop "active breaks" of 15-20 minutes, to complement the practices of this holistic education through movement skills.

In any case, it is recommended for the integral education of the individual to dedicate a minimum of 1 session of Physical Education every day.


Physical Education Exemptions

In Catalunya, the government of the Generalitat has for years granted exemptions from the subject of Physical Education for the practice, more or less intensive (the criteria have been varying), of a sport or activities such as dance, a fact that shows a great lack of knowledge .

It is paradoxical to note that in Belgium the majority of Top Sport Schools ("Schools of High Performance Sports") maintain in their academic curriculum 2 sessions of Physical Education per week up to the age of 18, while in the Public Institute Center d'Alt Rendiment Esportiu de Sant Cugat del Vallès, student athletes have been granted exemption in Physical Education since the 1990s and, in addition, they have been awarded an excellent grade in said subject until 2020.

With this type of exemption, as reported in writing in 2016 by a group of Physical Education teachers from this center (Xavier Torrebadella Flix, Àlex Planas Ballet and David Ribera Nebot):
a) students are deprived of the educational contents of Physical Education (the practice of physical education and the practice of a sport are different activities with different objectives and contents), and
b) the students are being cheated by giving him a grade of apt or excellent on some content (those of Physical Education) that they do not develop.

The fact that inexperienced in Physical Education are the ones who decide to grant exemptions from the subject of Physical Education, apart from demonstrating a great deal of ignorance, is a discredit for the Public Institute Center d'Alt Rendiment Esportiu de Sant Cugat del Vallès, for the CAR de Sant Cugat , for the Generalitat of Catalonia and for the Public School.

The situation is as unfortunate as if a student participating in a television singing competition was granted an exemption in the subject of music or another student participating in a poetry competition was granted an exemption in the subjects of languages or that another student who plays chess very well was granted an exemption from math.


There should be no Exemption from Physical Education subject!!
The crux of the matter is whether the educational contents of Physical Education are fundamental for the integral education of the individual. It is evident that they are, and this is also indicated in the official curriculum.

Just like Master Fco. Seirul lo Vargas points out since 1980, we must continue explaining and claiming the high educational value of the practice of Physical Education to configure the personality of the individual in all its dimensions and thus contribute as a priority and irreplaceable in the integral education of the individual.


by David Ribera-Nebot


>>> Más información sobre la filosofía de la Educación Física y Deportiva

>>> Más información sobre Educación


(Aprobada por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas el 10 de diciembre de 1948)

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