World Forum on Education, Culture and Sports

Education and sport at the service of Olympism

The Forum
Recalling that the goal of Olympism is to place, everywhere, sport at the service of the harmonious development of humanity with a view to encouraging the establishment of a peaceful society.
Recognizing the efforts made by IOC Commission for culture and Olympic education, the International Olympic Academy, the Museum and Olympic Studies Centre, the National Olympic Academies, the Olympic Solidarity and the IOC department of International Cooperation and Development, to promote Olympism, art and culture through specific and permanent actions.
Recognizing also the importance of the cultural Olympiad and the valuable role played by the Organizing Committees of the Olympic Games in promoting Olympic education, art and cultural diversity.
Taking into consideration the meaningful contribution of the International Pierre de Coubertin Committee, the International society of Olympic Historians, the Olympic Studies Centres, University chairs in Olympism and all the other entities involved in Olympic education.
Taking also into consideration all documents and publications prepared by different institutions on physical education and sport, culture of peace and human well-being, under the auspices of UNESCO and WHO, and by several specialized non-governmental organizations.
Noting with great appreciation the inclusion of the “World Forum on education, culture and sport”, as part of the “Sports : A Universal Dialogue” programme, conceived by “Forum Barcelona 2004”.
1 Reaffirms the importance of permanently promoting the Olympic ideal as stipulated in the fundamental principles of the Olympic charter, keeping in mind the globalization of sport as a social phenomenon, and the multicultural nature of the Olympic Movement.
2 Urges all National Olympic Committees to redouble their efforts, now more than before, to promote the culture of peace, the mutual understanding, reciprocal respect of different human civilizations, universal ethics and the spirit of fair play in the frame work of preventive Olympic education.
3 Encourages all institutions related to the Olympic Movement and specialized in the field of education and culture to assist the youth of the world by focusing more on the education of universal ethical values, which is much needed at the present time.
4 Urges also the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Solidarity to provide assistance to the National Olympic Committees for establishing their own National Olympic Academy and Olympic information, a documentation Center and if possible a Museum in order to keep their Olympic heritage and fulfill their duty of promoting Olympic education and culture in their own national languages.
5 Urges again the National Olympic Committees to play an active role in facilitating the introduction of Olympic education in the schools and institutes of higher learning of their respective countries and by supporting the initiatives undertaken by the IOC Commission for culture and Olympic education.
6 Calls upon all athletes to serve as role models in the promotion of cultural diversity, peace, ethics and fair play, and lead the fight against drug abuse, doping in sport and violence around sport.
7 Calls upon the International Olympic Committee to make it obligatory the setting up of an Olympic Youth Camp during the summer and winter Olympic Games, under the supervision of the IOC Commission for culture and Olympic education.
8 Encourages the National Olympic Committees to preserve, develop and promote their traditional games, as a cultural heritage, for the benefit of present and future generations.
9 Congratulates the International Olympic Committee and its Commission for culture and Olympic education, for organizing this World Forum on education, culture and sport, and the Olympic Solidarity for its assistance.
10 Expresses its sincere thanks to the Forum Barcelona 2004 for associating the International Olympic Committee and for the excellent organization of the Forum “Sports : A Universal Dialogue”
11 Expresses also its sincere thanks to the Spanish Olympic Committee, the Government of Spain, The Autonomous Government of Catalonia, and the Municipality of the Olympic City of Barcelone, for their traditional Hospitality.
Barcelona, Spain
10th June 2004



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